PBA Community Week



 The Lineup


Create Your Signature Coaching Program

On Monday, April 10 at 7pm est, learn the step-by-step framework to help you monetize your knowledge and create your signature coaching program. In this session, learn how to craft an irresistible coaching offer and market and sell your program with confidence.


Create Anything and Everything You Want with Chelli Johnson

on Tuesday, April 11 at 7pm est, What if experiencing your Wholeness, Worthiness, Beauty, and Specialness is actually the key to creating the life you love?

I remember hating myself. I felt unworthy of having what I wanted, uncomfortable in my body, and ashamed of who I am. But everything changed when I stopped rejecting the parts of myself that I so desperately wanted to hide. I’d like to invite you on this journey of freeing yourself from “not good enough”, feeling secure in yourself through thick and thin, and watching your world transform: all as a reflection of you. When you develop an unconditional knowing that you are deeply worthy, exquisitely beautiful, and entirely lovable… the world and people in it will start experiencing you that way, too. Discover how radical self-love is the key to creating everything you want in life: health, wealth, relationships - nothing is off limits. Watch life reflect who you are back to you.


You Are a Thought Leader with a Publication Journey Waiting to Happen with Madeleine Olson

on Wednesday, April 12 at 7pm est, This workshop is about leveraging your thought leadership to start your own publishing journey. Many thought leaders already have the basis of a book written inside themselves, but don’t know it! Once I started openly sharing my creative content with my audience, my personal brand identity as an author began. In this workshop, you’ll learn 5 strategies for kickstarting your pathway to publication and start moving upon a framework for conscious creation. You will also be given an excerpt reading of my book, ‘Subversive Pathways: Your Life as Transformative Design.’


The Storytelling of our Bodies: Exploring the Relationship between Body Image, Social Media, and Storytelling with Addison Saviers

On Thursday, April 13 at 7pm est Have you ever been more aware of your body’s presence on social media, or have you been impacted by others’ bodies online? Now, more than ever, our bodies are forward facing on social media—for better or worse. In this session, I’ll present research around the good and bad aspects of body image and social media, share tips for navigating body acceptance in online spaces, and engage with you in meditative exercises as we reflect on our own relationships to the stories of our bodies.